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Nature Based Therapy uses nature as a tool for exploration. Reconnecting with nature has been scientifically proven to improve our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health. Often how we feel and think is reflected back to us in nature and we often find what we are seeking whilst walking in the outdoors. Nature is also incredibly soothing and can help us to manage and process difficult and often painful emotions. Appointments are made at a mutual location, despite being outdoors sessions are completely confidential. Nature Based Therapy is particularly beneficial for stress and anxiety related issues and bereavement and loss. Clients who are Neuro-Divergent often find walking in an open space more helpful than sitting in the confides of a room and Nature Based therapy can therefore be much more accessible. Nature Based Sessions are offered to both young people and adults.


One to one sessions take place in the comfort of my therapy room and and allows you, the client, the opportunity to explore your worries, concerns, thoughts and feelings. My role is to help you understand your process, to listen and support you. Having a private, non judgemental space to be heard is often therapeutic in itself. As sessions progress I may offer gentle challenge in order to help you reframe your thinking and see how things my be perceived differently. During the first initial call we will agree on how we will work together. Sessions are always client led and we work at a pace which is comfortable to you.


In today's modern world with increasingly busy lives, online sessions offer an alternative and convenient way to access the services of a counsellor. Online sessions also have the benefit of taking place wherever you are in the world. During the intial consultation we will agree a mutually convenient time and day for our first online session. You will then be sent a link to access zoom. Zoom is a secure platform, all you need is a device and some connectivity. Online sessions work very much like face to face counselling as both myself and the client are able to see each other on screen. Nature based sessions can also be accessed online with both meeting on zoom outdoors. At the end of the session we will agree a time and date for our next call.

Young people

I have 30 years experience working with young people, firstly as a teacher and then therapeutically as a counsellor.

Young People - I support children/young people over 10 years at my home office and also outdoors in nature. I have worked as a schools counsellor in many schools and colleges before setting up my own private practice. When I work with young people I also work with the family as a whole. Parents/ carers often ask 'how can we help?' The first session I offer is for parents/carers to discuss their concerns for their young person. I then work with the young person offering review sessions where parents are invited to join as we go along. I also support parents / carers in-between sessions in order that they can support their youngster as changes are made. In addition I can liaise with staff at schools / colleges and attend school meetings.

I offer creative therapies sessions for young people both indoors and in Nature. Creative therapies can help support young people to explore and express their feelings and thoughts in a safe way. Creative therapies allow young people who may struggle to articulate themselves verbally as the therapy often goes ‘beyond words.' Working in this way can support young people towards improved social integration, growth and development, emotional wellbeing and trauma resolution.

I have a number of after school appointments available at my Bramhall office and at Bramhall Park on Mondays. I also offer daytime appointments for young people as most schools are open to young people attending sessions. I can provide an appointment letter when neccessary.

Please get in touch for further details.